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Personal/Professional Goals

S.M.A.R.T Model Professional Goal:

Strategic: I am a new graduate nurse trying to accomplish  getting hired for an O.R position. I have always had an interest in surgery and the operating room and keep finding myself gravitating towards the O.R as my future career.

Measurable: Measuring if I achieved this goal would be seeing what offers for what I receive as a new nurse. My intended outcome is that I will be working in a O.R by the end of July 2021.

Attainable: Actions I will put in place to attain this goal is applying to hospitals in states I have considered moving to and also applying to some in Florida as well. I will also apply to outpatient surgery centers. I will have an Indeed and LinkedIn profile as well so jobs can easily find me.

Relevant: This goal is important to me because I am eager to start my career as a nurse and know I would be an essential part of any team.

Time-bound: I hope to take my NCLEX in June and then land my dream job by the end of July or beginning of August. 

S.M.A.R.T Model Personal Goal:

Personally, I hope to land a career in the O.R, I hope to continue my education, and possibly become a DNP where I am able to work in the O.R and do outpatient plastic procedures. I would love to buy a home in the next 5 years and have kids by the time I am 30. I plan on saving a lot of money to reach these goals and work hard and what I love. 

Evidence of Leadership/Professional activity​​

  • Graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at University of South Florida

  • Graduated Cum Laude at Ponte Vedra High School with takings honors and AP courses.

  • I have previously worked as a home health aide to a patient who had a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

  •  Volunteered at a COVID clinic during the pandemic to swab patients thought to have COVID and helped give the vaccine to those at risk.

  •  Volunteered with Humane society from 2015-2019.

  • I am a member of B.R.A.I.N. which educates new nursing students on how to perform nursing skills/tasks.

  • I volunteered with the McKenzie Wilson foundation to teach kids after school that were less fortunate.

  • AHEC & FEMA certificate with Anecdotal form (full certifications on resume tab):


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